IFIP Working Group on Foundations of Quantum Computation
Mission Statement
Arguably quantum computing is coming of age. With the race for quantum rising between major IT players, and the announcement of new prototype, proof-of-concept machines, it seems we are in the verge of a real shift. For the first time the viability of quantum computing may be demonstrated in a number of real problems extremely difficult to handle, if possible at all, classically, and its utility discussed across industries. In a sense, Feynman’s dream of letting Nature, suitably engineered, compute for us through its own natural quantum behaviour, seems to be closer, even if the project of a universal quantum computer still has a long way to go. In the somehow emphatic language of the media, a ‘second quantum revolution’ is quickly approaching. It is characterised by the ability to harness weird quantum phenomena, namely superposition, interference and entanglement, as computational resources, with practical advantage. In this move the role of software, and its foundations and engineering, cannot be underestimated.
The conceptualisation of quantum computing predated its technological realisation: in a way physicists are making it happen. Similarly, in the 1930’s, Turing machines anticipated digital computers. It seems history is repeating itself. Differently, however, from what happened before, we have now the chance to get theory in place before technologies emerge and popularise. IFIP cannot be strange to this challenge.
Such is the aim of this new Working Group. Operating under both TC1 and TC2, it will be oriented towards the development of foundations and rigorous, mathematical methods for Quantum Computer Science, including the theory and methods of quantum information science, quantum computation and quantum software engineering, and its application to strategic, emerging problem-areas. Furthermore, fulfilling its mandate as an IFIP technical asset, the new WG will contribute to the scientific and technical development of this new dimension of Computer Science.
Research Topics
Foundational structures for quantum computing
Quantum programming languages (including quantum assembly languages and quantum gate languages)
Semantics of quantum programming languages
Quantum algorithms
Quantum calculi and logics
Formal specification, design and development methods for quantum software
Test, analysis and verification of quantum programs
Rewriting and automated reasoning with applications to quantum compilation and optimisation
Quantum software engineering
Architectures for quantum and hybrid computing
Hybrid quantum systems
Quantum data science
Applications and tools
Context and dynamics
The Working Group on Foundations of Quantum Computation is established under two IFIP Technical Committees: TC1, on Foundations of Computer Science, and TC2, on Software: Theory and Practice, with formal responsibility of TC1. As usual within IFIP, the new WG acquires an identifier from both Technical Committees, becoming WG 1.11/2.17.
The WG is initially composed of approx. 20 members, currently active in the field and representative of its diversity. Over time, the WG will co-opt other researchers and define its own programme and dynamics in an autonomous way. Similarly to what happens in other IFIP Working Groups, this may include a WG technical meeting (typically every 9 - 12 months) and the organization of international events, workshops or conferences. The new WG will comply with the IFIP regulations, namely as stated in its Bylaws (sections 4.2.7 and 4.2.8).
A close articulation with the Domain Committee on Quantum Computation, recently approved by IFIP, is envisaged, namely in terms of exchange of relevant information concerning events and publications, as well as possible joint initiatives.
IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. Formally recognised by the United Nations, IFIP represents IT Societies from over 38 countries or regions, covering all five continents with a total membership of over half a million, and linking more than 3500 scientists from Academia and Industry, organized in about one hundred Working Groups reporting to 13 Technical Committees. Through them, as well as in its multiple initiatives, it aims at
identifying research priorities, stimulating theoretical work on fundamental issues and promoting fundamental research which will underpin future developments;
fostering cooperative action, collaborative research and information exchange;
providing a forum for professionals and encouraging interdisciplinary work;
paying a special attention to the needs of developing countries and promoting the UN international agenda on sustainable development.
Shaukat Ali, Simula Oslo, Norway
Miriam Backens, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Luis Barbosa, University of Minho & United Nations University, Portugal
Ross Duncan, Cambridge Quantum, United Kingdom
Jozef Gruska, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Chris Heunen, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Aleks Kissinger, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Shane Mansfield, Quandela, France
Mio Murao, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tobias Osborne, University of Hanover, Germany
Anna Pappa, TU Berlin, Germany
Francesco Petruccione, NITheCS, South Africa
Luis Paulo Santos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Ina Schaefer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Peter Selinger, Dalhousie University, Canada
Rui Soares Barbosa, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
Mingsheng Ying, Tsinghua University, China
Michael Walter, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Stefan Woerner, IBM, Zurich, Switzerland
Xiaodi Wu, University of Maryland, USA
Benoît Valiron, CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay) & CNRS, France
Vedran Dunjko, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Vladimir Zamdzhiev, INRIA / LMF, France
News / Activities
- Workgroup meeting in Paris
Date: 24-25 July
Venue: INRIA (2 Rue Simone IFF, 75012 Paris)
Registration: https://ifip-wg-qc-2023.sciencesconf.org/
- Stellenbosch Summer School (t.b.a)