Seminar: Software Quality Assurance and Software Test

  • Type: Seminar (S)
  • Semester: SS 2025
  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schaefer
    Dr. Asmae Heydari Tabar
    Maximilian Kodetzki

  • SWS: 2
  • Lv-No.: 2400048
  • Information:


    The seminar is offered in English from this semester!


Providing high-quality software is an integral part of the software development process. Under certain circumstances, software bugs can cost millions or, in the worst case, even human lives. As the technologies used to develop software continue to evolve, software quality assurance is constantly faced with the challenge of ensuring the quality of increasingly complex software.

In this seminar, you will look at current research focuses in the field of software quality assurance and scientifically analyze and compare at least two approaches to your respective topic.

The following competencies will be acquired as overarching learning objectives in this course:

  • The ability to independently conduct a structured literature search on a given topic and to independently search, identify, analyze and evaluate suitable literature

  • The presentation and differentiated evaluation of the state of the art or knowledge in a subject area

  • The ability to present scientific results on a topic in a structured manner and to present them to a specialist audience as part of a lecture

  • The ability to apply scientific writing techniques to write a scientific review article on a topic

  • The critical evaluation and classification of scientific texts


We allocate 8 - 10 places on the following main topics:

  • TBA

Lecture language English
Organizational matters

6 - 8 pages paper in ACM style (double column) and 25 minutes presentation. Two reviews of papers from fellow students. Registration via ILIAS-course from 7.4.25.