Current Topics of Quantum Computing

  • Type: Practical course (P)
  • Chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Informatik - Institut für Telematik - ITM Streit
  • Semester: SS 2023
  • Lecturer:

    Dr. Eileen Kühn
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schaefer
    Prof. Dr. Achim Streit

  • SWS: 3
  • Lv-No.: 2400180

This lab focuses on theoretical analysis and practical implementation of current topics in quantum computing. The introduction covers necessary mathematical foundations of quantum systems and their representation by qubits and quantum circuits before delving into the specifics of the topics offered. Possible topics include quantum algorithms, optimization of quantum systems, quantum software engineering, or quantum machine learning.


There are fixed dates for topic assignment and classroom appointments for introduction to the topic of quantum computing. Additional face-to-face meetings to discuss progress are coordinated individually between the internship participants and supervisors. Internship participants work on separate tasks that are defined on the basis of current research work and thus offer realistic problems from practice and research. Internship assignments are graded individually, group work is possible. Prior knowledge and areas of interest of the participants will be taken into account when assigning topics.

Lecture language German/English